
Where Europe goes, will Jews follow?

After a thousand years of European Jewish history and migrations, where do we stand and where are we going?

Dr Daniel Staetsky

JPR’s recent landmark study, Jews in Europe at the turn of the Millennium: Population trends and estimates, takes the reader on an extraordinary journey through one thousand years of European Jewish history before arriving at the most comprehensive analysis of European Jewish demography today, pulling together some of the most up-to-date data we have on the demography of European Jews.  

Watch the webinar

In this session, two leading experts from JPR’s European Jewish Demography Unit, Professor Sergio DellaPergola and Dr Daniel Staetsky highlight the key findings and share their insights from their vital work, while considering what these data mean for the future of Jewish life in Europe. 

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Dr Daniel Staetsky

Senior Research Fellow and Director of JPR's European Demography Unit

Dr Daniel Staetsky

Senior Research Fellow and Director of JPR's European Demography Unit

Daniel holds a PhD in Social Statistics and Demography from the University of Southampton and a Master’s degree in Population Studies from the Hebrew University...

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Prof Sergio DellaPergola

Chairman of JPR's European Demography Unit

Prof Sergio DellaPergola

Chairman of JPR's European Demography Unit

Professor Emeritus and former Chairman of the Hebrew University’s Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry, and Chairman of JPR’s European Jewish Demography Unit, Prof DellaPergola...

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