Full report

Synagogue Membership in the United Kingdom in 2010

The first ever published UK Synagogue membership survey

Dr David Graham Daniel Vulkan

What's in the report:

This report marks the first occasion that the synagogue membership survey, carried out by the Board of Deputies approximately every five years, is published jointly with the Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR).

Synagogue membership data are of particular interest to community leaders and planners because they provide the only consistent indicator of patterns of Jewish affiliation over time. No other survey regularly reports on the denominational structure of the Jewish community in the UK. The data are also unique in providing a consistent indicator of Jewish belonging – a measure of proactive attachment and commitment to Jewish communal life.

Despite the continuing decline in synagogue affiliation over the last generation, the synagogue, as an institution, nevertheless continues to be the principal arena of formal affiliation to the Jewish community.

The data presented here reveal a dynamic picture of communal change in the UK, charting changes in the religious makeup of the community. We have sought to provide as functionally relevant a measure of synagogue membership as possible within the limits of the data that we were able to obtain. 

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Dr David Graham

Senior Research Fellow

Dr David Graham

Senior Research Fellow

David is a Senior Research Fellow at JPR, an Honorary Associate at the Department of Hebrew, Biblical and Jewish Studies at the University of Sydney...

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